My Anti-Inflammatory Feature in Allrecipes Magazine


It never gets old seeing your name in print!

This month in Allrecipes magazine, I have an article on the basics of an anti-inflammatory diet., AND the issue also shares several recipes from my cookbook, Meals That Heal: 100+ Everyday Anti-Inflammatory Recipes in 30 Minutes or Less..

I’ve found that fighting inflammation is one area where almost all of us can improve, and chronic inflammation can lead to many other health issues. If you stick to an anti-inflammatory diet, you can pretty much be sure that you are giving your body what it needs and living an overall healthy lifestyle.

The link below shares a portion of my print article online that gives you the BEST anti-inflammatory foods to start incorporating into your diet (along with 8 foods to avoid when you can). Check it out - and then, grab your copy of Allrecipes magazine on newsstands!

Allrecipes Article Preview: The Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Eat