Easter Activity: Easy Marbleized Eggs!

Looking for a new way to decorate eggs?  Grab some Cool Whip and food coloring! 

I love this simple way to “marbleize” eggs using just Cool Whip and food coloring. I discovered it last year in the April issue of Rachel Ray magazine. In fact, some of you may have seen us on my Instagram stories a few days before Easter last year doing the Cool Whip process. They ended up being some of the most gorgeous Easter eggs we’ve ever made, so I definitely wanted to do it again this year.

For those of you not so sure about the sound of this, I get it!  I am always a little skeptical since “fun family holiday ideas” in magazines and on Pinterest tend to often be WAY more complicated than described. So hopefully, the fact that I am sharing a family art project we’ve actually tried (and doing it again!) eases your fears and speaks volumes to this Easter project’s simplicity and amazing finished project. 

Ready to get started?  Here’s what you’ll need:


1 to 2 tubs frozen whipped topping, thawed*

Hard-boiled eggs

Distilled vinegar

Food coloring 

Baking sheet 

Aluminum foil (optional)

Gloves (optional)

*Note: I’ve seen similar ideas that used shaving cream in place of whipped topping. This may work well too, but I have not tried it. 

Step 1:  Soak eggs in distilled vinegar for at 3 to 5 minutes. Drain and dry. This makes the color adhere better. 

Step 2:  Spoon whipped topping onto a clean baking sheet or baking sheet lined with foil. A 9x13-in pan can also work. I like to line my baking sheets or pans with foil because, well, 1) my everyday ones are well loved and have a little residue, and 2) it makes for easy clean up. 


Step 3: Apply drops of different food colorings to whipped topping. Use toothpicks, popsicle sticks, or the end if a knife to gently swirl colors. 

Step 4:  Add a few eggs at a time. Use a spoon or other utensil to gently roll egg around. Let sit in colored whipped topping for 15 minutes. 

IMG_9786_Fotor_Madeline Step 4.jpg

Step 5: Remove eggs, and gently rise and pat dry.  

Below is the finished product! My family is so excited to do this fun activity again for this Easter. If you try it out, be sure to comment below or let me know on Instagram!
