Diabetes-Friendly Meals the Whole Family Can Enjoy

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If you or someone in your family has diabetes, the best plan for eating is to emphasize fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats. Sound familiar? That’s because this is the diet that most of us should be following anyway to lead a healthy lifestyle! I’ve pulled together 12 healthy, but still DELICIOUS diabetes-friendly meals that are great for not only people living with diabetes, but for pretty much anyone. I can guarantee you the whole family will be excited about these recipes, so you’ll never feel like you have to cook two separate meals! Click the link below and get cooking!



In case you don't know, I have a brand new cookbook ! You can now find MEALS THAT HEAL: 100+ EVERYDAY ANTI-INFLAMMATORY RECIPES in 30 MINUTES or LESS on the shelf at the store and bring it home for your whole family to enjoy! You’ll love this family-friendly cookbook with recipes that you can use to stay healthy or tailor to treat most health conditions. Find out more about the cookbook here and here!