7 Ways to Keep Food Tasty Without All of the Sodium

7 Ways to Limit Sodium and Keep Food Tasty // CarolynWilliamsRD.com

As you know, February is Heart Health Month.  Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States.  Good thing is, it is also one of the most preventable!

To kick of Heart Health Month, I want to give some flavorful tips that will satisfy your palate without sacrificing your heart.  I know, I know, mention the idea of cutting back on sodium, and it’s hard not to think of bland, tasteless food. Salt makes things so much better, right? And consigning yourself to unhappy meals can feel like too much of a trade-off, even for the benefit of improving your health.

The American Heart Association recommends an intake of between 1500 and 2300 mg of sodium. Yet, most Americans consume more than 3400 mg each day. This accounts for a big increase in risks for heart attack, stroke, osteoporosis, and kidney disease (for everyone, not just those with high blood pressure). Clearly, almost all of us could stand a little decrease in daily sodium intakes.

But what if you could decrease your sodium while still keeping food flavorful? It would be a miracle, right? Well, it turns out that you can!

Click here to find my feature with Cooking Light that shares seven easy, nutritionist-approved hacks for cutting back on sodium, while still enjoying a tasty, delicious meal.  What are you favorite tricks to skip out on the sodium?  

7 Ways to Limit Sodium and Keep Food Tasty // CarolynWilliamsRD.com